Tuesday, November 25, 2008

nips and naps

This blog has been a real downer lately! Boo me! Well no worries friends I am turning myself around. I know I make it sound like I am about to quit photography any minute but that simply is not possible. I am still being photographic everyday (as Frank suggested) and I am making sure to pick up my camera at least once every day. I am also reading blogs, revisiting my favorite artists, watching documentaries and generally getting inspired. In fact I think I am on the cusp of figuring something out. I can feel it. I have Stephens (BEAUTIFUL) Mamiya range finder which I am very excited about. Once I get the dynamics of focussing and framing with that camera down again I am fully prepared to make some very thoughtful photographs that have been in my mind for some time now.

But today is not the day for ground breaking work, today was just a day of goofing around with my camera and here is what you get:

Nip was practically begging me not to go to work this morning and I ALMOST listened to her...

but image how sad I would have been if I had missed this gem!


Meg said...

love the picture of Frank sleeping... I definitely saw that happen